PEMPEK OBP Control System Upgrade to OBP2

Until now users of Pempek’s popular OBP control system have had to update Pempek control component hardware firmware by hand using a programming cable and following a complex series of programming steps that have been prone to error.
Errors in loading the correct component firmware have been the leading cause of service returns for many of Pempek’s popular control components including Electric Motor drives, Oracle transceivers, Shooter hydraulic controls and PLC modules.
Incorrect firmware may still provide that the component will function but not optimally and potentially unsafe control outcomes.
In order to improve the reliability, safety, compliance, and security of your Pempek control system, Pempek has integrated some of the features of its latest generation industry-leading OBP-PLUS control software environment onto our classic OBP platform creating OBP2.

The OBP2 control system software now includes a ‘Device Configuration’ page which displays a listing of all configured devices and confirms that each is correctly connected. Importantly the upgrade provides that your OBP2 control system will automatically configure your control hardware as required.
This means that there is no longer any need for a programming cable or specialist technician to load firmware to match a Pempek control component to your machine, as OBP2 does this for you automatically.
For customers with Pempek telemetry licensing – the device status information is stored in a historical data base. This provides asset managers with long-term tracking of the correct firmware and configuration set for each machine in the mine fleet.
This update is effective immediately and all OBP Pempek control system components processed by the Pempek service are now being upgraded to be compatible with OBP2. OBP2 is available for your legacy OBP control system immediately. Please contact for more information and to schedule your OBP2 upgrade.